The 2020 Annual Meeting of the organization will be held via a Zoom meeting format. APF members are encouraged to attend and participate. Note: Voting for Board officers is limited to those people with current 2020 memberships.
To attend the event, RSVP to Roe Parker, President. Every request to attend will receive a follow up email with the related Zoom meeting information and link.
The agenda is listed below.
Welcome, Roe Parker, President
Election of Board Positions: President and Treasurer (Conducted by Andy Hoernemann, APF Vice-President). Nominations for these officers will be taken at the Zoom Meeting. Candidates will have an opportunity to present their qualifications to the membership.
2020 APF Report to Members: Roe Parker, President
2020 Community Garden Project: Sheena Tesch, Rooted
2020 Oregon Food Pantry Garden: Sue Eagle, APF Board Member
Presentation: Dane County Parks Overview: Darren Marsh, Parks Director
Wrap Up: Roe Parker, President
1560 Partridge Hill Dr
Oregon, WI 53575
United States
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