The organization organizes the volunteer events into three categories: 1) Conservation Work, 2) Educational for K-12 students, and 3) Recreational. Join Us!
Recreational and Educational Events
These events take place throughout the year. Many of them are featured on our FaceBook page. Click here for a summary of 2025 events.
Conservation Events
The schedules of the small group (3-7 people) activities are separate from our second Saturday of the month events. The individual volunteer group members set schedules. They plan days and times to meet according to their own schedules and are usually held on Monday – Saturday. The registration for Saturday events is separate and done via our calendar web page.
Join Us! The work event opportunities available to you include:
Forests: APF is restoring over 60 acres of forests by removing invasive species and planting understory bushes and trees. Work in the Sholts Memorial Forest continues and work is completed as appropriate for the weather.
West Woods
Our vision for this 45 acre forest is to develop an oak woodland that transitions to an oak savanah on the eastern section. Access to this park land is managed by Anderson Park Friends.
Work began on this 17-year project in November 2023. A major portion of the initial phase was completed in 2024. Work will be ongoing in 2025. Chain saw users need to be certified by Dane County Parks before working with this type of equipment. The wearing of safety equipment is also required. Contact: Jay Bonnell at: [email protected].
Invasive Species (non-woody): APF is continuing our restoration effort by removing non-woody invasive species like Japanese hedge parsley, Ragweed, and Garlic Mustard. Contact: Sue Faust at: [email protected].
Native Plants & Prairies: APF’s organic approach supports 16 native plant gardens in the park. A prairie plant "starter garden" (raised bed, no bending over) was added in 2023. Contact: Sue Eagle at: [email protected] or Sue Faust at: [email protected]. This is a fun group and welcomes everyone for one two-hour episode or as a continuing participant.
Fall Prairie Seed Collections: Our prairie seed collections activities start in late August and go through October of each year. All seeds collected go to the Dane County Seed Cooperative. The seeds for the new Dane County prairies in 2025 will come from the cooperative. APF is planning to establish a new 10-acre prairie by January 2026. Join us now. Contact: Roe Parker at [email protected] .
Food Pantry Garden: APF’s Anderson Farm Center supports a large food pantry garden and 22 community gardens (1/4 acre each) for Hmong families. The pantry garden grows a wide assortment of vegetables and fruits. Seasonal activities are from April to November. Contact: Barbara Hill at: [email protected].
Citizen Research: APF maintains a bluebird trail and a trail camera for the WI Department of Natural Resources. Volunteers plan projects, collect data, take photographs. Contact: Sue Eagle at: [email protected].
Additional Volunteer Opportunities
Community Outreach: Volunteer authors write short articles directing newsletter readers to state and national resources on topics like birds, bees, wildlife, and butterflies. Photographers are needed to record APF projects, volunteer accomplishments, and the beauty of the park. Photos are used in newsletters, Facebook posts, and press releases to local media. Contact: Roe Parker at [email protected].