Chainsaw "Roundrobin" Work Event

This is our major forest restoration event! We plan to coordinate 10 volunteer sawyers from Oregon and other parts of Dane County. APF members and community volunteers are needed to move brush and create/manage bonfires.

Led by two Dane County Parks staff, we will make a major impact on invasive trees like buckthorn. We are about 18 months from the completion of Phase 1 of our 5-year project. Phase two includes restoring the forest with native understory trees and shrubs.

Please arrive at 8:50 a.m. in the 914 Union Road Parking Lot. We start immediately at 9:00 a.m.

Why do we go after buckthorn so vigorously in the winter? Go to YouTube to view this short 3-minute tutorial:

After clicking the link, open the presentation in a new window.

Food and drinks are provided. 

March 06, 2020 at 9:00am - 12pm
Anderson Farm County Park
Roe Parker · · 608-835-3580

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