Doggy Play Day

January 13th, 2022, from 2-4 p.m. 

804 Union Road, Oregon WI 53575

Join APF and the Healthy Parks Healthy You partnership for a celebration of National Walk Your Dog Month at the brand new Anderson County Park Dog Park! This is the eighth dog park within Dane County Parks and has 35 acres of trails and open space for you and your dogs!

The Healthy Parks Healthy You team and Anderson Park Friends will be on-site talking about the health benefits of getting out to walk your dog, handing out goodies and prizes, and even giving away some 2022 Dog Park Permits! Join us for an afternoon of fun and check out the new park.

Throughout the month of January, anyone who posts a picture of their dog at the Dane County Park page on Instagram and tags it with #HPHY will be entered to win a 2022 Dog Park permit as well!

Healthy Parks Healthy You is a partnership between the Foundation for Dane County Parks, Dean Health Plan, SSM Health, and Dane County Parks aimed at promoting the connection between health and nature in the Dane County Parks System.

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Mark Your Calendar!

January 13, 2022 at 2:00pm - 4pm
Anderson Farm County Park - Dog Park
804 Union Rd (Not 914 Union Rd
Oregon, WI 53575
United States
Google map and directions
Roe Parker · · 608-835-3580

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