May Community Work Day

This event is our monthly work day for volunteers.  It includes participation in our buckthorn or trail development project and a social event afterwards.  Total time: 2.5 hours.

May 10, 2014 at 8:00am - 10:30am
Anderson Farm County Park, 914 Union Road, Oregon, WI
Wayne Shockley · · 608-835-7379
Andy Hoernemann

Will you come?

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  • Andy Hoernemann
    commented 2014-04-25 09:23:14 -0500
    This event will be our second monthly work day for volunteers.

    We will be working on the trail that leads to the South Main Street entrance of the park. Someone will be a the park with a chainsaw cutting the larger items. Volunteers are needed to remove the cut items from the path. We will also have loppers and hand saws available for use.

    Please park in the temporary parking lot located off of Union Road in the south west corner of the woodlot.
  • Andy Hoernemann
    rsvped 2014-04-25 09:21:06 -0500